Part 2: kings_quest_5_town_theme.mid

Hello everyone and welcome back to King's Quest V. There's quite a lot to do today, so let's not waste any time. First off, Crispin gave us a wand last time in the intro. So let's take a look at that.

Anyway, the game is more or less divided into three sections. The first section takes place here in Serenia, and it's the usual King's Quest fare where we wander around, talk to people, and try to work out just what Roberta Williams was thinking. This first section of the game is also laid out in a 4x3 grid of screens. We're in the top right corner, and we can leave south or west.

Thankfully the warning only plays once.

So let's start this LP off the right way.

I dunno, it seems pretty legit to me. He warned us to stay away, and when we violated his personal space he killed us.

Getting this snake to move is going to be our major goal for the first part of the game. Everything we do here in Serenia will either be in service of getting him to move, or surviving in the area beyond.
We can also talk to Cedric for directions, though his usefulness is limited to the civilized parts of Serenia.

Even on the twelve screens that make up this part of Serenia, he only gives directions on, at best, six of them.

The perspective on this screen is a tad weird. Cedric is those six pixels just under the walk cursor. So let's look around the screen some.

The fixation on the cow's cud is kind of weird.

Right. Cedric is apparently hungry for baked goods. So let's let him stew for a bit and go explore the town.

King's Quest V - Town Theme
King's Quest V - Town Theme (midi)
For maximum effect, be sure to start it off loud and then gradually increase the volume as you listen to it. This game's soundtrack, with only a couple of exceptions, is very good. This is one of those exceptions. The top link is a lot more classy sounding than the bottom one, which is... uh... well, Manfred Mann put it best.
"Blinded by the Light posted:
With a boulder on my shoulder
Feelin' kinda older
I tripped the merry-go-round
With this very unpleasin'
Sneezin' and wheezin'
The calliope crashed to the ground
What is with these godawful perspectives? When I was a kid, I mistook the birch tree on the far right side of town as a dirt path leading off to the east.
Anyway, we can talk to most of the people here in town, but they are just random NPCs without portraits. I don't really feel like making a bunch for people who are so unimportant that they don't exist in other versions of the game.
There's a man next to the broken cart. He's just above the woman in the red dress. Let's talk to him

We'll just leave him to that and continue to explore the town instead. Let's go in the closest door to Graham.

King's Quest V - Shop Theme
The video link says "Tailor Shop" but the same tune plays in every shop in the game. It's a much better, more understated version of the town theme.

The cloak over in the corner sticks out like a sore thumb. So let's take a look at it.

There's something like eleven things this guy can randomly shout while you're in the shop.

There comes a point where you just need to fire the customer.

We can't do anything here yet. So let's just move on. We can't do anything in any of the three shops yet. No points for guessing that we'll need that cloak.

Into the second shop!

Like before, the item we need from in here is instantly obvious. Let's take a look around like the nice toy maker guy said.

Fair enough. Let's just talk to the toy maker instead.

I get the impression this jolly toy maker is German, or perhaps Dutch?

Occasionally the door in the back of the toy shop opens and the man back there talks to the toy maker.

Until I looked at this transcription online, I never realized that a character you may never see has this much dialogue. You technically don't have to walk into the shops until you're ready to get the items you need.
Occasionally the little girl will talk too.

And that's enough of this place for a long time. If it gets any more saccharine in here I'm going to get tooth decay.

Thankfully there's only one more place in town to check out. No optional dialogue, either. So this will be both short and sweet.

I admittedly don't own my own business selling shoes, but telling a random stranger who walks in to the shop that your business is failing doesn't sound like a great idea.

Honestly, these two are some of the weaker, more forgettable characters in the game. Compared to even the other shopkeepers in town, this pair are flat and boring. At best, they're just a cheap attempt at pathos. The poor fisherman and his wife in the previous game did the same thing a whole hell of a lot better and they were so one dimensional that you can see the eraser marks on the notebook paper around them.

0/10 shit game. Can't pet the dog, so fuck this entirely. <

I'm going to post this image again to point out that there are two items to pick up on this screen. If you haven't played in a long time, or have never played, try to work out where they are. We'll be back for them in a bit.
But first, there's a death I can only show off if I don't loot the town.

This is the town bakehouse. We'll be back here a few more times later in the game. Right now, it's just a crossroads.

This is the inn. We can't do anything here for a while yet.

King's Quest V - The Beehive
This MT-32 soundtrack makes the game sound a lot more classy. Sadly, I can't find many midi tracks on youtube. In the midi version, I would say this track is the other not-so-great one. It's a somewhat high pitched droning tone. It's extremely annoying to listen to. Anyway, this is our destination.

So like I was saying in town, there's a death you can only show off if you don't get a specific item from there first. King's Quest V uses a lot of item-based event flags, and this is the first such one in the game. To be honest, I didn't even realize you could do this until I was preparing to record for this LP.

Alright, so now we're back here. Have you had time to think about where the two items we need are? Need a hint?

Yep. That single white pixel is something we can take.

The other item we need is in the barrel that looks like some background scenery.

We're back here at the bakehouse again. Just one more death to show off in this update. We can actually do this on any screen with the river, but the message is the same each time.

This is going to be a pattern with Cedric. He has an extremely unfortunate habit of not trying to "help" until you're already dead.
NEXT TIME: We're going to explore Serenia
List of Points
+2 - Pixel Hunt 1 (Silver Coin)
+2 - Guessing you can look in the barrel
Register of Deaths
A pooooisonous snake!
Not BEEing careful
Swimming in a river